Harley Schlanger is a top political activist for Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche of the LaRouche Foundation Worldwide. He is currently stationed in Germany, recently moved from home offices in Houston, Texas USA. Harley report on European major news and conferences where he often attends with world leaders. The main websites for updates are www.LaRouchePAC.com and EIR Executive Intelligence Review www.LaRouchePUB.com, where reports, analysis, jounalistic analysis and videos are presented for your enlightenment and empowerment of real World Issues and Solutions. He talks about Glass-Steagall to wall the depositors money from greedy central banks, currencies backed by Gold, and stability in internation trade with China’s proposed Belt and Road infrastructure programs worldwide on the sea and land from Asia to all continents. He is on the NutriMedical Report Show weekly and does Simulcast Videos with Dr Bill Deagle MD host of the shows.
Official Site: larouchepac.com