Dear Friends,
After reading my following email letter sent to the President, try to imagine what this nation that we call America may be like a year from now if the same unethical policies are foisted upon us.
For those of you who may not be aware of my professional and academic background, I have nearly always been at least a year ahead of what you may now be getting from the news media. On other matters, there have been times when I was the only person in America, if not the entire world, who became aware of several crises before they were able to destroy this nation. Sounds incredible? Well, it happens to be true, but I have also paid a dear price for it while many of you were able to prosper from my actions without ever becoming aware due, in part, to bureaucrats in Washington whose careers might have become threatened by revealing their incompetency relate to analyzing crucial intelligence information, as well a Russian and former Soviet Bloc agents in the United States who are and were involved in espionage and terror, which still exists today.
Just by coincidence of course, intelligence agents and officers from nearly every nation contacted me in person over the past 60 years. To be honest, I was not aware of why they had contacted me until about this last decade, when new information on Russian GRU Military Intelligence Officer Colonel Oleg Penkovsky was finally released. Unfortunately for him, he was blamed for my past accomplishments related to analytic reports sent by me directly to President John F. Kennedy for a U.S. Naval blockade of Cuba due to Russian military build-up on that island and, later, findings on construction of launch sites for deployment of Intermediate-Range Missiles in northwestern Cuba where nuclear warheads would be able to strike nearly every part of the continental U.S.
After the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis over a year later in 1962, I received a short letter from President Kennedy signed by him as well as letters for the Department of State and Pentagon that were also sent to me on behalf of the President related to my service and support on the Crisis. By mid-December, I had also officially graduated from California State University, Long Beach with a B.A. in Geography. But for several decades, I kept a rather low profile on these matters. However, later, it came to my attention that my earlier and other accomplishments were known.
After Colonel Penkovsky was arrested by Soviet KGB, he was severely tortured and executed in 1963 several months before JFK was assassinated. We live in a real world where evil people play for keeps. Unlike the Cuban Missile Crisis when the Russian missiles and launch sites were not yet fully-operational, currently the Russian Air Force base on La Orchila Island in the Caribbean Sea and the other nearly two-mile long airfield at Punta Huete in Central America are both fully-operational and functional for landing the giant Antonov An-124 military air transport capable of carrying many Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles armed with Thermonuclear Warheads and mobile launchers that can be unloaded and able to launch within minutes after landing at spots withing range of striking any and all regions of the continental United States. Unfortunately, we do not have any effective Missile Defense System even at the R&D stage, which, according to recent estimates, will probably take at least ten more years as our nation remains in checkmate. For all of the aforementioned reasons, I have been asking for your support by writing to the President so this crucial information could be shared with him. Please help me now to reach him.
John W. Spring
July 10, 2020
Dear Mr. President:
For well over a year, due to my disabled wife’s broken hip from an accident and a more recent fall, we have been enduring our own lockdown. Prior to then, after her hip replacement, she was placed in a skilled nursing center after being released from the hospital, very unethical policies denied my wife the best professional care, but since then I have been her only caregiver while trying to communicate directly with you for over three and one-half years on geopolitical issues that are still threatening our nation’s security. However, I am even more concerned now because there will be a series of further lockdowns, which most Americans may be unable to endure.
While COVID-19 is very real, nearly all information and related policies appear to be entirely fraudulent. As a result of this hoax caused by deliberate lies that are designed to destroy our nation’s economic structure and individual freedom of mobility, we are getting to point of no return to any actual recovery. So, unless you are able to take control and stop this deliberately caused perpetual decline of America’s economic activity in the very near future, it may soon become unlikely that we will ever return to any level of normalcy.
For this reason, I urge you to arrange for me to speak directly with you on a secure line about this current situation as well as other geopolitical crises that you are probably not aware of in terms of their significance.
By the way, have you reached your decision about your running mate for Vice President in the forthcoming General Election? If not, I would encourage you to assign someone to do research about me at the National Archives over the past 60 years rather than relying upon Presidential Personnel in the White House, which has already caused you many problems.
I am hoping to speak directly with you very soon.
John W. Spring