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Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, ,,, NutriMedical Report Show, Farid, KardioVasc, Heart Vascular DVT Thrombosis Protection, Reverse Plaque, Improve Perfusion, Lower BP Blood Pressure, NutriMeds Consults New Videos Parts 1 and 2 Nov 11th 12th all NutriMeds Products Reviewed, Donate Support Judge Roy Moore,
Dr Bill, It’s Saturday evening and I know you’re busy — so I’ll be brief and to the point. But the vicious and sleazy attacks against me are growing more vicious by the minute. I’m counting on you to stand with me at this critical moment by chipping in a donation to help me bust through the vicious lies and attacks and get the truth out to as many voters as possible before December 12. So won’t you please chip in a donation right away? As you know, I’ve been closely scrutinized in the press and the liberal media for forty years . . . I’ve been investigated by politically-motivated Attorney Generals and judicial commissions on several occasions . . . I’ve run five campaigns against opponents who did opposition research against me — including statewide elections, county elections and two major battles over religious liberty and the Ten Commandments . . . The truth is, I’ve probably been investigated as much as anyone in the entire country. Yet the liberal media and GOP establishment expects voters to believe these false accusations made after forty years, just a few short weeks before this critical December 12 Special Election? Of course, these attacks are completely false and untrue — a well-coordinated hit piece by the Democrats, and the GOP establishment, against me and my campaign. Nothing short of a last-ditch effort to stop the anti-establishment grassfire sweeping across the country right now by diverting attention from the true issues facing our country. But the good news is, the people of Alabama are smarter than the liberal media and GOP establishment believe. And they’re not buying the latest sleazy attack against me and my family: Dr Bill, rest assured — I will REFUSE to back down or give up the fight. I believe you and I have a duty as God-fearing Americans to stand up and fight back against the forces of evil waging an all-out war on our conservative values. That’s why I pledge to slug it out against the Obama-Clinton Machine, the insiders in Washington and the liberal media with everything I’ve got over the next four weeks before the December 12 Special Election. But it’d mean the world to me to know you’re standing with me in my corner during these troubling times. The truth is, your support helps give me the strength and fuel to fight another day. Even a donation of $35, $25, $15, $10 or $5 would make a huge difference — and it’d mean the world to me. I need you in my corner. I’m counting on you. So please, click here to chip in a donation to let me know you’ve got my back on December 12. Thank you in advance for your support! Sincerely, Judge Roy Moore This message was intended for: [email protected]