The NutriMedical Report Show Hour Three Friday Nov 17th 2017 – Gary Richard Arnold, Uranium One, UN ICLEI World Population Reduction, CFR, Bohemian Grove, Reagan Globalist, Past Five Presidents since JFK Globalists, Roy Moore Moral Fake News Attacks, Abortion Fighter, Gun Owners Fighter, Scam Similar to Trump Dossier, Political Moticvated Attack, Trump Agenda in Jeopardy,

Gary Richard Arnold, New World Globalist Politician Whistleblower, ICLEI UN World Control, CFR Reagan, Bohemian Grove Bush Clinton, Obama Clinton Uranium One, Mueller FBI Bribery Coverup, DARK State Deep State, Judge Roy Moore Moral Attacks, Gloria AlRed Claim to Push Roe vs Wade Abortion Law, Scam of School Yearbook Graphoanalysis, Women for Moore today in Montgomery with Moore’s Wife Presiding, Trump Agenda in Jeopardy!,Gary Richard Arnold, Uranium One, UN ICLEI World Population Reduction, CFR, Bohemian Grove, Reagan Globalist, Past Five Presidents since JFK Globalists, Roy Moore Moral Fake News Attacks, Abortion Fighter, Gun Owners Fighter, Scam Similar to Trump Dossier, Political Moticvated Attack, Trump Agenda in Jeopardy, Dr Bill Deagle MD,,,, NutriMedical Report, 



November 17, 2017

Dear Friends,


If you missed or did not receive my last two email letters, they are posted on I had the honor of appearing with Dr. Bill Deagle, who is a physician, on Wednesday in the late afternoon and early evening. You can also listen to his radio program by going to the “archives” of on the Internet. When you find my articles, click your mouse at “read more” and then you should also be able to listen to our program that aired during the third hour. My earlier appearances during this month, when I discussed the Cuban Missile Crisis, were on November 1, Wednesday; and November 7, Tuesday, which can also be heard at the “archives” on his website. I shall return on November 28, Tuesday, at the same scheduled time for the third hour of podcast on


During Wednesday’s program that aired live on November 15, 2017 in the afternoon at 2:00 pm PT or 5:00pm ET, which can also be heard at the “archives” at, we discussed a multitude of topics. Although the various subjects were very interesting and stimulating, you need to understand that North Korea has become a very serious threat to our national security because the regime of Kim Jong Un at Pyongyang is able to launch an ICBM from the Korean Peninsula that can send a thermonuclearwarhead to any American city within the continental United States in a very short period of time ranging from only 15 to 35 minutes.


The reason why we in America are vulnerable is due to our nation’s intelligence agencies failing to become aware of this long-range ballistic and nuclear threat more than two years ago and also because there is no effective Missile Defense System in operation to destroy an incoming ICBM before it is able to reach its designated target in the United States. Furthermore, North Korea is now able to launch several ICBMs simultaneously or at the same time, which could strike many American cities in different geographical regions of our nation.


A thermonuclear warhead contains a hydrogen bomb, which is far more destructive than an atomicbomb. Technology provided to the North Korean nuclear physicists has enabled them to “miniaturize” their hydrogen weapon so that it can be carried on a smaller ballistic missile to a greater distance. Unfortunately, most intelligence analysts are still thinking based on established or “conventional” technology rather than upon the most recent research, development as well as the production of ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads. As for the electromagnetic force or EMF pulsation threat from North Korea, it has existed since Pyongyang was able to launch a satellite in orbit several years ago. So, wake up America!


Please share this information with your family, friends and those who cherish our freedom. JWS


                        John W. Spring