Tag: Rescue First Line of Defense and Immne Support

NutriMedicalReportMON15thNOV21 H1 KardioVascPainAwayFolateOraVaxEduCap

KardioVasc, PainAway, Super Folate TR, OraVax EduCap SOON, EduCap Oral Dropper Soon, Do Not Vaccinate with Genotoxic Bioweapons, AGs Mike Lindell Multiple States Next Week Recall 2020 Election Forensic Evidence, TRUMP Return Soon or Disaster 2022, STOP Kid VAccines Tromethamine Vascular Toxin, Dr Bill Deagle MD and Michelle Answrs Health Challenges to Callers Emails Worldwide…

NutriMedicalReportFRI12thNOV21 H2 AGsRecall2020Election NOMANDATESSOON

AGs Mike Lindell Multiple States Next Week Recall 2020 Election Forensic Evidence, TRUMP Return Soon or Disaster 2022, STOP Kid VAccines Tromethamine Vascular Toxin, Dr Bill Deagle MD and Michelle Answrs Health Challenges to Callers Emails Worldwide Integrated Meidcal Surgical Natural NutriMeds Protocols, VETERANS DAY REMEMBER VETS SUPPORT HEALTH PTSD LIMB LOSS RETRAIN HOMES AND…

NutriMedicalReportFRI12thNOV21 H1 DrBillDeagleMD Michelle CallerAnswer

Dr Bill Deagle MD and Michelle Answrs Health Challenges to Callers Emails Worldwide Integrated Meidcal Surgical Natural NutriMeds Protocols, VETERANS DAY REMEMBER VETS SUPPORT HEALTH PTSD LIMB LOSS RETRAIN HOMES AND SILVENCED WHISTELBLOWERS SUPPORT, Zto A NutriMEDs, Veterans Day Support Healing Health Finances Retraing PTSD NutriMeds Protocols, Agenda 2030, Kill with Genotoxic FAKE Vaccines NOW,…

NutriMedicalReportTHURS11thNOV21 H2 VETERANS RecoveryHealthPTSDFutures

VETERANS DAY REMEMBER VETS SUPPORT HEALTH PTSD LIMB LOSS RETRAIN HOMES AND SILVENCED WHISTELBLOWERS SUPPORT, Zto A NutriMEDs, Veterans Day Support Healing Health Finances Retraing PTSD NutriMeds Protocols, Agenda 2030, Kill with Genotoxic FAKE Vaccines NOW, Rescue First Line of Defense and Immne Support, SOON ORAVAX EduCap Duo Oral Vaccine and Oral Dropper EduCap Zto…

NutriMedicalReportTHURS11thNOV H1 ZtoANutriMeds VETERANSHelpSupportNOW

Zto A NutriMEDs, Veterans Day Support Healing Health Finances Retraing PTSD NutriMeds Protocols, Agenda 2030, Kill with Genotoxic FAKE Vaccines NOW, Rescue First Line of Defense and Immne Support, SOON ORAVAX EduCap Duo Oral Vaccine and Oral Dropper EduCap Zto Supplements, SonicLIFE, Lumen Photon IR, Pure Water Systems, ORAVAX EduCap Soon, Oral EduCap Also Dropper,…

NutriMedicalReportWED10thNOV H2 AGEND2030 KILLGenotoxicFakeVaccinesNOW

Agenda 2030, Kill with Genotoxic FAKE Vaccines NOW, Rescue First Line of Defense and Immne Support, SOON ORAVAX EduCap Duo Oral Vaccine and Oral Dropper EduCap Supplements, SonicLIFE, Lumen Photon IR, Pure Water Systems, ORAVAX EduCap Soon, Oral EduCap Also Dropper, 2022 Global Vaccines and Economic Meltdown Globalist Demolition, 2023 Massive Depopulation Vaccines Starvation Wars…