NutriMedical Report WedSept16th20 H2 GAFFNEY_DeepHistory_PoleShift2030

Mark Gaffney, Deep History and The Ages of Man, Pole Shift Globalists Expect before 2030, Apophysis Asteroid, SuperNova Betelgeuse, CME Sun, Nascient Water Oxygen Hydrogen from Rignwoodite at 440 to 660 Km deed Mantle Water 5 Percent Rock Drives Earthquakes and Pole Shifts, SoniX SonicLIFE Whole Body and EpiGenetic Field Therapy, Lumen IR PHoton Blue Light LEDs, Pure Water Systems 4 Phases, Summit Hyperbarics, MAGI, Cell Vital and QRS Matt Cell Redox Stem Cell Healing, John W Spring, POTUS, Missiles Nicaragua La Orchila Venezuela, No Aegis or THADD Missile Defense, COVID19 Dangerous Warp Speed Injected mRNA Vaccines of DEATH,