NutriMedical Report WedAug19th20 H1 SonicLIFE_LumenIR_PureH2OHealthNOW

SonicLife Whole Body and EpiGenetic mRNA DNA Therapy, Lumen Photon IR Therapy Pads, Blue Skin, Pure Water Systems TOP Personal Home Business, Stephen FOX Gate Indigtment Vaccine Deaths Sterility Intl Courts of Justice, SPRING, COVID19 and Nukes Russian, FIX Them and Swamp Monsters NOW, Matthew J Deagle, Dr Bill Deagle MD, NutriMeds Ancient Herbs Bioactive Gene Jumping Meds to Optimized Wellness, FORD DemsGOP Election Platforms POLEs Inaccuracy TRUMP Will WIN, Matthew J Deagle, Buddism Atheism Origins of NWO Globalist PLANS,