NutriMedical Report Show Tuesday Sept 17th 2019 – Hour Three – Trump POTUS Sept 12th 2019 Letter To John W Spring, Reviewed Par Line, Comments Anallysis, Recommended Wisdom for POTUS, Nuke Threat, Border, Economy, Iran, Globalism, Economy, Middle Class, Small Business, Drug Cartels, SAD CIA, DOJ FBI Clean House,

Trump POTUS Sept 12th 2019 Letter To John W Spring, Reviewed Par Line, Comments Anallysis, Recommended Wisdom for POTUS, Nuke Threat, Border, Economy, Iran, Globalism, Economy, Middle Class, Small Business, Drug Cartels, SAD CIA, DOJ FBI Clean House,Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,


Dear Friends,

The recent attacks in Saudi Arabia may have been caused by Russian agents or terrorist groups that are controlled by the Kremlin in Moscow.



September 16, 2019


Dear Mr. President:

Since during the Cold War when Soviet KGB Officer Yevgeny Primakov met with Middle Easterners, recruited them and arranged for their training in Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China and Cuba, there have been terrorist cells and units operating in the Middle East, North Africa, Southwest Asia and Central Asia. Even now, these agents and provacateurs receive their orders from the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia.

Considering Russian President Putin’s military build-up in Latin America, especially in the Caribbean Sea and Central America as well as in northern South America, he needs to create distractions that will divert attention from the Russian Air Force base on La Orchila Island and at Punta Huete, Nicaragua where two-mile long air runways have been completed and are now operational to accommodate both the Black Jack long-range bomber and the giant Antonov An-124 Ruslan military transport that can carry many Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles that can be unloaded in a matter of minutes before they are launched and able to strike any region of the continental United States with multiple Thermonuclear Warheads.

If you were to order an attack against Iran, America would become more vulnerable to the very current Nicaraguan-Venezuelan Missile Crisis now that the two-mile long airfields on La Orchila Island and at Punta Huete have become operational.

As for negotiating with the Taliban, I would hope to be able to meet directly with you about Afghanistan, which so many officials in Washington are unable to understand because they never had any substantial contacts with highly-educated Afghans when that nation was a constitutional monarchy. They remain unaware of the significance for rebuilding the Helmand River Valley Irrigation System, which would be able provide up to 40 percent of the food needed in Afghanistan. The Taliban would only promote dry-farming for the opium poppy while so many Afghans would starve or exist with a low caloric intake.

By the way, the Iranians are now very fearful of the Taliban. They may soon take unilateral action.


John W. Spring

Dear Friends,

The following revised email letter sent to the President may be of some interest since negotiations may soon begin with the Taliban.


Note: Due to limited space required by the White House, the following was edited. JWS


September 16, 2019


Dear Mr. President:

While I am urging you to become aware of the Nicaraguan-Venezuelan Missile Crisis located in the Caribbean and Central America and also to not take any military action against Iran at this time due to the recent attacks in Saudi Arabia that may actually be caused by Russian-controlled groups in the Middle East, you must also understand the consequences that America will be facing if the Taliban and opium should prevail in Afghanistan.

After KAL Flight 007 was fired upon over international waters with several Americans on board, I then decided to do whatever it would take to support the Afghan mujahedin with their struggle against the Soviet Army that had invaded and occupied Afghanistan since 1979 when over one million civilians were killed by the Russians without any mercy.

As a result of my very hard work, the Soviet military personnel finally retreated from Afghanistan in 1989. Even though Afghanistan was then on its way to again becoming a free nation, U.S. officials in Washington had other plans for that war-torn nation in conjunction with the Pakistani ISI by recruiting Islamic fundamentalist students from madrassas in India and Pakistan to enforce Sharia law for all of the Afghan people. Hence, foreigners began ruling Afghanistan while drug lords from Pakistan encouraged Afghan farmers, mainly in Helmand Province, to grow the opium poppy. As a result of their efforts, Afghanistan is now the largest producer of heroine.

By the year 2000, American and European multinational corporations had invested large funds in the land locked Caspian-Aral Basin of Central Asia where vast reserves of oil and gas had been discovered. They negotiated with the Taliban for a pipeline route that would pass through western Afghanistan. But when the Taliban failed to cooperate, measures were taken by the Americans and Russians to invade Afghanistan and destroy the Taliban’s control. While most Afghans hated the Taliban, they hated the Russians even more who, during a decade earlier, had murdered a million of their people. Apparently, those same officials in Washington were more concerned about the very large multinational corporations then operating in land locked Central Asia than they were about the wellbeing of the Afghans and this is why that conflict has become America’s longest war.


John W. Spring