NutriMedical Report Show Tuesday Jan 15th 2019 Hour Three – John W Spring, Border Crisis, Cause of Black Flight From Southern California, US Troops to Clear Cartels of Drug Dealers in Mexico and Central America, End Government Shutdown, Build the Wall and Cybersecuirty with El Chapo Money and Pentagon Army Corp of Engineers,
John W Spring, Border Crisis, Cause of Black Flight From Southern California, US Troops to Clear Cartels of Drug Dealers in Mexico and Central America, End Government Shutdown, Build the Wall and Cybersecuirty with El Chapo Money and Pentagon Army Corp of Engineers, Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M, NutriMedical Report Show,,,,NutriMedical Report Show,
Dear Friends,
If all of you who live in other states only knew about what we face on a daily basis here in the Greater Los Angeles Area of Southern California, you would definitely support the President’s plan to build a barrier or wall along the border with Mexico before you start facing a reign of terror on our level. As for the shutdown, it will probably not cause the Speaker of the House to change her mind even though Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi is a U.S. Representative from the State of California because if she were to support a barrier or wall for our safety, her financial support would no longer occur. Earlier, Nancy had expressed the need for a wall until she had become aware of her future political support, which required a big switch in policy. JWS
John W. Spring
P.O. Box 18946
Anaheim, CA 92817
January 14, 2019
The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the Bloods and Crips were established in the South Central Los Angeles and Compton communities of Southern California by mainly African Americans. However, in 1987, when attending a summer institute in Ralph Bunche Hall at UCLA, I listened to an academic presentation being given by an African American scholar from the Department of Geography about what he had termed as “Black Flight from California” that was then being caused mainly by a new brutal gang called MS-13 who were able to enter into the United States illegally from El Salvador in Central America during the late 1970s and early 1980s because the barriers along the border with Mexico were poorly maintained. Unlike other gangs,MS-13 became known for its infanticides and femicidesagainst infants and women. As a result of such cruel violence, many African Americans residing mainly in the Los Angeles area of California had decided to relocate to other safer states.
Since then, so many politicians who depended upon contributions and financial support decided to down-play the border and illegal alien issues at the expense of law-abiding citizens’ still living in Southern California. So the “drive-by” shootings of mainly African Americans by members of MS-13 and affiliated gangs will continue while the purchase of firearms and ammunition by law-abiding citizens for their protection becomes more difficult in California and without an adequate barrier or wall on the Mexico-United States border to reduce the trafficking related to violence.
John W. Spring
Dear Friends,
It is urgent now for you to understand why the shutdown will not get any funding from the U.S. House of Representatives in Congress who support all the North American Super Corridors that will threaten our nation’s security and sovereignty because China has already built so many highways in Mexico that lead directly into the United States. Also the new ID Card that is now being issued by each state’s DMV was designed for “fast entry” into Canada and Mexico, which would not provide adequate security from criminals and terrorists entering from those nations.
John W. Spring
P.O. Box 18946
Anaheim, CA 92817
January 12, 2019
The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
Last night, I spoke with a federal judge who was willing to continue without pay if personnel in the U.S. Coast Guard would be paid for putting their lives on the line and family hardships. As a former Coast Guardsman, I would also include the U.S. Border Patrol, Homeland Security and FBI agents. Furthermore, I also heardAlex Jones encouraging the continuation of the partial federal government shutdown, because his rationale is simply by remaining steadfast that sooner or later Congress will eventually authorize adequate funding for theborder barrier or wall with Mexico. However, he is completely wrong because it will not happen due to their hidden agenda.
Please understand I am very much aware about why we desperately need to build a barrierwall along the border with Mexico, but it will probably never be approved by the current members of Congress because so many of them are now supporting a borderless agenda that goes back to the Bush and Clinton administrations when Congress had approved: NAFTA; the Real ID Act of 2005that would have controlled U.S. citizens ifmost states had ratified it; the North American Union (NAU) of North America, which would includeCanada, Mexico and the United States as well as most all Caribbean and Central American nations; and theNorth American Super Corridors planned for a super highway system, rail network, pipelines, electric transmission lines as well as related infrastructure such as bridges, storage facilities and tunnels.
Supranational Corridors would threaten our nation’s security and sovereignty. Keep in mind that China has already constructed military-grade highways throughout Mexico the lead to the United States.
John W. Spring
Dear Friends,
Perhaps some of you live in “sheltered” areas of the United States where the massive incursion of illegal alienshas not yet occurred into your neighborhoods. But here in southern California as well as in other areas ofArizona, New Mexico and Texas, we have “drive-by shootings” on a daily basis; as well as human and drug trafficking; sexual assaults, mainly against women; gang violence that often results in several homicides nearly every week; graffiti on buildings, walls or fences and vehicles that indicate a gang’s territory or turf; expectorated chewing gum left on the floors of buses, sidewalks and streets; speeding cars being chased on freeways or highways due to stolen vehicles; hit and run deaths of pedestrians; home invasions and theft of property; and a burden placed upon public schools that so often results in overcrowded classrooms for students.JWS
John W. Spring
P.O. Box 18946
Anaheim, CA 92817
January 11, 2019
The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
In southern California, there are very few areas left where any significant quality of life does still exist. For instance, in Los Angeles there was a rather secluded shopping area in the very affluent Hancock Park district where rather exclusive businesses and services once catered and provided for the needs of wealthy clientele and rich customers. However, there are now violent crimes that occur in the Larchmont Village as a result of uncontrolled and illegal entry into the United States from Mexico.
Just this week in Santa Ana, another “Sanctuary City,” a woman was sexually assaulted while at a bus stop along Bristol Street where once it was considered safe to be seated during anytime of the day waiting for a bus. Although the suspect was caught, it merely confirmed that he was an illegal alien from Mexico or Central America. These are violent criminals who will only be kept out of America by an adequate barrier or wall along the 2,000 mile boundary with Mexico.
As for funding, you must stop the partial federal government shutdown at once and also declare a national emergency to authorize federal funding for the construction for a desperately-needed border wall by deploying military and civilian personnel. Also, abolish the National ID Card!
John W. Spring
Dear Friends,
The following email letter was sent to the President today. I am hoping that most of you will also send a similar letter to him because this border wall is desperately needed at this time. JWS
John W. Spring
P.O. Box 18946
Anaheim, CA 92817
January 10, 2019
The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
Please do not take my following words personally. In fact, at times, over 55 years ago, I also had some rather strong words for President John F. Kennedy. But regarding the partial government shutdown, you have been ill-advised by some members of your Cabinet or White House staff on this matter, which has already caused financial hardships for many federal employees as well as their families.
According to some of my friends who have recently been in contact with Border Patrol agents, FBI agents,Homeland Security agents and Coast Guard personnel, they have been doing very difficult tasks exceedingly well. We should be honoring them for their excellent duty and service rather than financially punishing them in this manner.
It may be of interest to know that actor Jeff Bridges who was honored with the Cecil B. DeMille Award for outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment during the recent 76th annual Golden Globe Awards is also a passionate philanthropist and served in the U.S. Coast Guard.
Because the air waves in the United States belong to the American people, I would encourage far more radio or television presentations and stop the shutdown at once!
The Army Corps of Engineers’ funds are adequate for building the 2,000 mile long wall along the border withMexico.
John W. Spring
John Walton Spring
Post Office Box 18946
Anaheim, California 92817
January 10, 2019
Dear Friends,
While the corporate news media had probably already received copies of the President’s latest scheduled talk from the White House, whether it was leaked or officially sent to them, he gave his significant reasons for acquiring adequate funding for the building of a border wall along the boundary and frontier with Mexico and why he has used the current partial federal government shutdown for negotiating with some members of theHouse of Representatives in Congress.
However, I was hoping he would mention some other aspects that should have been considered for inclusion in his important presentation. For instance, last week, ABC aired a special program, “The Last Days of John F. Kennedy Jr,” that very strongly gave the public an impression for o convincing them that he was incompetent as a pilot when, in reality, according to previous FAA regulations in 1999, his logged flight hours were adequate for him to qualify for a Commercial Pilot’s License.
Should he have also mentioned that we are in another Russian Missile Crisis in Latin America with the 3,000 meter runways on La Orchila Island in the Caribbean Sea and at Punta Huete Airport, Nicaragua inCentral America where Antonov An-124 Ruslan and Antonov An-225 Mriya giant air transports will be able to land in few moments with thermonuclear weapons on board? Probably not, because it would be too abstract for even most intelligence analysts. JWS
John W. Spring
About Dr. Bill Deagle
Hello, I am Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M of the NutriMedical Report Show on Rebublic Broadcasting 12 Noon to 3 PM CST Mondays to Fridays radio show. The program covers Functional Wellness Antiaging, Geopolitics, Conservative Judeo-Chritian, Financial, Environmental and Personal Survival. Enjoy, become empowered and ask better questions. Email me or call into the show Live M-F +1 (877) 317-6432 for our Board Op at RBN for Dr Bill Deagle MD AAEM ACAM A4M. Ask your health, spiritual, geopolitical questions, and expect a solution or logical pathway to find solutions ON AIR.